GTL Paysagiste : Cooperate to Succeed

The growth of a company is a challenge in itself. I learned more in one year at Groupex than in ten years in business on my own,” estimates Gabriel Tougas, President of GTL Paysagiste and member of the Board of Directors of Groupex.
Since its inception, GTL Landscaping seems to have made a giant leap. Looking at Gabriel Tougas’s company in 2022 – with its 60 employees and a track record filled with prestigious landscaping awards – it’s hard to imagine the summer job he improvised during his studies.
“I have been interested in the landscaping sector since I was very young, but I also wanted to study communications. During my bachelor’s degree in public relations, my small business began to grow: I remember managing the routes of my team of five while I was in class. It had become complicated!” he recounts with a laugh.
It was in 2012, after graduating from the University of Montreal, that the entrepreneur from La Prairie decided to incorporate. Since then, he has been fully devoted to the management and development of GTL Landscaping, which carries out high-end residential landscaping on the South Shore, in the Eastern Townships, and in Montreal.
The Importance of Surrounding Yourself Well
Whether you think of Littoral or Luxe (winner of three awards at the 42nd APPQ competition), the diversity and scope of GTL Landscaping’s projects continue to grow. But Gabriel insists on the importance of gradual growth: “I never aimed for growth at all costs. My goal has always been to do things better, simplify our processes, and focus on the good players we already have,” he explains.

“I’m the first to admit it: I’m not a construction site guy! My strength is primarily sales. I think the success of the company largely rests on this: I quickly sought the expertise of others to support me.”
Gabriel Tougas-Leclerc
Gabriel has surrounded himself with several architects, designers, and horticulturists. Recently, Gabriel has also relied on the experience of his father, Michel Leclerc, Director of Human Resources.

Another essential meeting for the expansion of GTL occurred directly through the networking of Groupex: that of Patrick Gauthier and Karine Vadnais, then at the helm of Tourne-Le-Sol Landscaping in Ange-Gardien. “As soon as I arrived at Groupex, we quickly clicked. We decided to work together and then merge our businesses.” Patrick now handles operations at GTL, while Karine is the Landscaping Coordinator.

Among the benefits of being part of a cooperative, Gabriel often refers to the sharing of knowledge. “The chance to discuss with entrepreneurs who have 30 years of experience is invaluable. Exchange, mutual aid, friendship… I think other fields would benefit from adopting a cooperative model like Groupex, for example, construction. I hope Groupex continues to develop, maybe even outside Quebec! I see many growth opportunities and everyone benefits.”
Gabriel Tougas Leclerc