Groupex: A sustainable vision confirmed by B Corp certification

It’s official! We are thrilled to share a milestone that marks the culmination of 38 years of dedication and sustained effort: our cooperative is now B Corp certified. This achievement recognizes our continuous commitment to putting people at the heart of our priorities. This success has been made possible thanks to the collective engagement of our members, our partners suppliers, and our team.

What is B Corp certification?

Joining the B Corp movement means choosing to be part of a community of visionary businesses that use the power of business to generate a positive impact. It promises to uphold rigorous standards of social performance, transparency, and accountability. For us, becoming a B Corp means more than just achieving a score: it is a promise to never lose sight of our mission to have a beneficial impact on the planet and people.

Our coop is proud to join the ranks of around 50 Quebec-based B Corp certified companies (including Prana, Danone, Ciele Athletics, and Kase Me, to name a few!).

Our journey towards B Corp certification

Becoming the first Canadian horticultural cooperative to achieve B Corp certification is an honor that acknowledges our dedication to reconciling profit and the common good. With a score of 82.4 on the B Impact assessment, we have demonstrated our ability to meet the performance requirements of this certification. This is a significant step, but our journey doesn’t end here. There are still many areas we need to improve.

Foundations of our success

Our strength rests on three fundamental pillars: our members, our suppliers, and our team. These groups form the solid foundation of our success and our sustainable development strategy. The B Corp certification highlights the importance of each group in our governance and operations.

Our actions according to the five B Corp orientations

  • Governance: We have formally integrated our social and environmental commitment into our bylaws, ensuring responsible and ethical governance.
  • Employees: The well-being of our employees is at the heart of our concerns, with initiatives that promote work-life balance.
  • Community: We actively support social and environmental projects, strengthening our bond with the local community.
  • Environment: Our determination to reduce our ecological footprint translates into sustainable resource management.
  • Customers: The trust of our customers is paramount, and we are committed to offering them ethical products and services of the highest quality.

We want to thank our team, our partner, our suppliers, and our members who have contributed to this achievement. Together, we continue to work towards a more sustainable and responsible future while remaining true to the values that have guided our cooperative since its founding.